Channel: Why the Left Needs Racism
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Why the Left Needs Racism

It serves a political purpose.JAMES TARANTOWhat do you get when you cross a corny old joke with a network news report? Something like this: A black guy walks into a tea party, and a white lady says to...

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Re: Why the Left Needs Racism

The thing is that when you deny that there are racists, gun nuts, and relgious zealots that are being encouraged by conservative media it just makes you look like a fool. One doesn't have to look very...

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Re: Why the Left Needs Racism

You need to read Charles Murray's great book, "Losing Ground". It was written in the early '80s. Murray is an ex-liberal, who began to see the disaster for Blacks that the "Great Society" of LBJ was...

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Re: Why the Left Needs Racism

barzilla wrote:The thing is that when you deny that there are racists, gun nuts, and relgious zealots that are being encouraged by conservative media it just makes you look like a fool. One doesn't...

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Re: Why the Left Needs Racism

No decency? Wow, that means a lot coming from you. I'll skip that and address Spudder's point. I do see that where I work. However, conservatives have made a lot of hay by helping to paint the picture...

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Re: Why the Left Needs Racism

For the record, the "Tea Parties" were primarily a creation of the Ron Paul supporters and have a very libertarian bent. Polling now shows that to be the case, as the vast majority of "Tea Party"...

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